Mango Twig Tip Dieback (MTTD) Workshop: A Collaborative Effort for Future Solutions

On Thursday, 25th July 2024, the Humpty Doo Golf Club buzzed with activity as NT Farmers hosted a critical workshop on mango twig tip dieback (MTTD). This event brought together scientists, farmers, and industry representatives to address this pressing issue, facilitated by Trevor Dunmall from the Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA) and supported by the Northern Territory Government (NTG), the Northern Territory Mango Industry Association (NTMIA), and NT Farmers.

The workshop was a remarkable meeting of the minds, bridging the gap between scientific investigation and on-farm experiences. Participants delved into the history of MTTD research, explored ongoing trials, and engaged in rich discussions about the current state of knowledge and practical challenges faced by mango growers.

Key highlights from the workshop included:

  • Welcome and Introductions: The workshop began with a warm welcome to Country, followed by an introduction session where the purpose and aim of the workshop were outlined. This session set the tone for a collaborative and informative day.
  • Review of Previous and Current Research: NT DITT staff presented detailed insights into previous and current research on MTTD, covering the scope, methodology, and outcomes. This provided a solid foundation for understanding the complexities of MTTD and set the stage for informed discussions.
  • Farmers’ Real-world Insights: Farmers had the opportunity to share their on-the-ground experiences with MTTD, posing questions to researchers and contributing valuable insights. This exchange was crucial in highlighting the practical aspects of managing MTTD and identifying gaps in current research.
  • Cross-industry Learnings: Attendees examined other plant species that have faced similar issues, such as avocados, tree nut crops, forestry, and citrus. Presenters from various organizations, including QDAF and QAAFI, shared their experiences and discussed how different industries approach complex research problems using the scientific method.
  • Interactive Group Discussions: Diverse groups, including scientists, farmers, and industry representatives, engaged in dynamic discussions to distil the day’s learnings and share experiences. These interactions helped identify key themes and opportunities for future research initiatives.
  • Formation of a Research and Planning Committee: The workshop concluded with the formation of a dedicated research and planning committee. This group, comprising department representatives, farmers, peak bodies, and agronomists, aims to drive future research efforts and coordinate on-farm trials. The first meeting is scheduled for the week of August 6th, with the goal of initiating trials by the end of the current mango season.
A group of people sitting at a table

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The MTTD workshop exemplified the collaborative spirit of the NT agricultural community, demonstrating a united front in the quest for effective solutions. By combining scientific expertise with practical experience, we are poised to make significant strides in understanding and managing mango twig tip dieback.

Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the research and planning body, and thank you to all who participated and contributed to the success of this workshop.

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