NT Farmers R,D&E Survey – Driving the Industry Forward

Today NT Farmers launched the Territory’s first comprehensive research, development and extension (RD&E) survey for the plant-based agribusiness sector. Survey results will be used to help prioritise future R,D&E in the Northern Territory, to better target funding opportunities and to maximise the benefits to growers from our great researchers and research facilities.

“The R,D&E survey is now open to everyone involved in the industry. Have your say on what R,D&E activities you would like investment in.’ Mr Simon Smith said, President of NT Farmers Association. 

‘Farmers know best what research and extension activities they need, so we want to hear directly from them. We will use the survey results to attract funding and develop programs specifically for the benefit of local growers. NT Farmers want to see targeted R,D&E investment into areas that matter to farmers.’ 

‘The results will enable NT Farmers and our R,D&E committee to advocate for research and extension that empowers growers with the knowledge to increase yields, trial new crops and improve environmental outcomes.’

‘The survey covers a wide range of topics from business confidence to how R,D&E should be delivered. It is inclusive of all plant industries including vegetables, melons, tropical fruit, nursery, broadacre cropping, turf and forestry. The survey has 22 questions, so it will take a bit of time to complete however this is an important investment into your industry.’

‘We need as many people from industry to complete the survey as possible, everyone from the farm owner to the farm hand should complete it. We particularly want the next generation of farm owners and managers to get involved. The R,D&E we undertake over the next few years will help to unlock future opportunities for the industry.’

‘The survey will be open for approximately two months, it can be completed online or via hardcopy form. NT Farmers staff will also help farmers to complete the survey as they meet with them across the Territory.’

‘All data collected will be securely held and made completely anonymous. Deidentified data will be analysed and the key results published for the benefit of industry and funding providers.” Mr Smith said. 

The survey was developed in conjunction with the NT Farmers’ R,D&E committee which is comprised of key representative growers, government stakeholders, Charles Darwin University and the Northern Western Australia and NT Innovation Hub.

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