

The NT is on the frontline for biosecurity incursions into Australia with numerous threats to our near North. Over the years we have been impacted by many exotic plant pest incursions.

The NT plant industries and community have invested heavily and suffered significant losses in eradicating diseases such as Banana freckle and Citrus Canker for the sake of the wider Australian Horticultural Industries

NT Farmers supports a proactive approach to on-farm plant biosecurity, as well as effective management of incursions. We work closely with Plant Health Australia, the NT Government Biosecurity Division and the Federal Government, North Australian Quarantine Strategy (NAQS) to help protect and strengthen our northern Horticulture and Agriculture industries. NT Farmers and these relevant agencies in the North are committed to the principle that “Biosecurity is a shared responsibility”, with market access and continuity of trade a central objective.

This is achieved by NT Farmers facilitating the training and adoption of strong on-farm biosecurity practices, interstate trade accreditation, and accurate and reliable traceability systems.

NT Farmers acts as a coordinator and facilitator of programmed biosecurity surveillance across the industry and peri-urban areas of the NT and encourages data sharing and cooperation between agencies. The association has developed strong relationships and networks within non-English speaking growers and established biosecurity champions within each cultural group.

In the event of an incursion of an exotic plant pest, NT Farmers acts as an Industry Liaison with NT growers and assists with delivering clear and consistent messaging to farmers and other stakeholders.

NT Farmers advocates for improved biosecurity outcomes through continued investment, improved cooperation across the North and champions the continued improvements in industry resilience and preparedness.

For General biosecurity information contact – 8983 3233.

To report a potential biosecurity threat contact the NT Government hotline on 1800 084 881

Bio- Security Resources

A guide to Owner Reimbursement Cost

Owner Reimbursement Cost is a payment made from the government and industry to growers to reimburse them for specific losses or costs incurred following the implementation of an Emergency Plant Pest Response Plan.