NT Farmers Association visits Timor Leste for the inaugural Timor Leste – Australia Economic and Business Conference.

After a short 50-minute plane flight, a small delegation from NT Farmers Association comprising President Simon Smith, Projects Administrator Mandy Tripcony and Workforce Officer Cornelio De Carvalho attended the inaugural Timor Leste – Australia Economic and Business Conference, Dili from 11 – 13 June 2024. A joint initiative of the governments of Australia and Timor Leste, and the Timor Leste Chamber of Commerce and Industry spanning over three days, the conference brought together 220 delegates from Timor and Australia based, with over 20 delegates from the Northern Territory.  With representation from the public and private sectors from both countries, the conference created the opportunity to share, discuss, plan and grow mutually beneficial trade and investment opportunities, and explore the challenges of business across our regions. An engaging program delivered robust panel discussions and a Trade Fair showcasing many established, emerging and innovative businesses in Timor Leste and Australian organisations.  Dedicated break out agendas divided the audience into two and separately explored agribusiness, trade and manufacturing in one space and training, skills, labour mobility, tourism and hospitality in another. Cross-cultural learning opportunities were facilitated with a presentation from an Australian Indigenous Eco-Tourism business.  

Based on 2023 data from the World Bank Timor’s population of 1.36 million people has a median age of 21. This poses a great opportunity for investment into training and education towards a mobile, skilled labour force for Australia, particularly the NT, during high demand periods of seasonal activities in the horticultural sector, such as planting and harvest. In return, these employment opportunities serve as immense opportunities for Timorese workers to not only earn an income for their family and develop international relationships but embed and expand their skills on the ground in established horticultural enterprises in Australia. This also presents the future opportunity to apply these transferrable skills on their return home. NT Farmers has been working for some time with both the Australian and Timor-Leste governments to create a bespoke short-term (8 to 12 weeks) and this trip enabled a renewed push for a pilot project of this visa.

The final day saw the offering of four sector site visits; agribusiness – focusing on the growing coffee industry and agroforestry; tourism exploring the emerging eco-tour offerings; manufacturing and training aimed at upskilling Timorese youth for local skilled employment opportunities, to advance international job opportunities and bring skills home. NT Farmers staff attended the training tour, visiting four facilities across which offered training in the food, hospitality and beauty sectors; in trade, manufacturing and civil works; in horticulture/agriculture and in administration.

NT Farmers values the important relationships built and strengthened during this event and highly anticipates the second iteration in 2025, with the announcement of an annual delivery of the Timor Leste – Australia Economic and Business Conference at the Gala Dinner 

NT Farmers has recently finalised the Timor Leste Seasonal Worker Pastoral Care Pilot Program supported by NT Government Department of Industry Tourism and Trade and led by NT Farmers Workforce Officer Cornelio De Carvalho. This 12-month pilot project saw engagement and support of over 300 Timorese workers employed by growers across the Northern Territory predominantly during mango and melon harvest under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme. With a focus on community engagement, pastoral care, well-being and social activities, the project’s success is testament to the need for and importance of supporting international employees during their time in Australia.

L-R Timor Leste Vice Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Ambassador to Timor-Leste Ms. Caitlin Wilson, Mr. Sakib Awan, Australia’s Business Champion.

Centre L – R Mandy Tripcony NT Farmers Projects Administrator, Simao Tito Barretto, Director Tibar Vocational Training Centre, surrounded by Horticultural Trainees at Tibar.

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L-R Augusta da Silva, Cornelio de Carvalho NT Farmers Workforce Officer, Penny Roberts, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

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